The 5th International Conference on Building Materials Recycling (V.PRE = V International Conference Progress of Recycling in the Built Environment) will be held for the first time in Weimar, Thuringia, from October 10-12, 2023. This picturesque city is one of the centers of German cultural history; Goethe and Schiller were among its long-time residents, and many other famous personalities, such as Liszt, Bach and Cranach also worked in Weimar. And even today, the city inspires with many museums in the preserved homes of thinkers and poets.
This year’s organizer is the locally based Institute for Applied Construction Research (IAB) under the auspices of RILEM. The global conference series was launched in 2009 by RILEM Committee TC-217, “Progress of Recycling in the Built Environment.” The event aims to discuss and disseminate the latest developments in the characterization, processing and application of recovered materials from construction and demolition waste to improve resource efficiency in the construction sector globally. An international audience of professionals is expected to attend, with around 200 participants.

Increasing attention is being paid to construction material recycling – partly because it can help combat raw material scarcity and the release of CO2. At this 5th International Conference on Construction Materials Recycling, international experts will address the pressing issues surrounding the recycling of construction and demolition waste. Topics will include raw material shortages, mortar and concrete products, recycling and CO2 emissions, treatment techniques, and thermal recycling of construction and demolition waste. Supplemented by the presentation of current case studies.
IAB hosts renowned specialist event for the first time
The two-day lecture program (Oct. 10-11) at the Leonardo Hotel Weimar includes 28 technical as well as four keynote lectures, divided into six thematic blocks. Keynote speakers include Prof. Anette Müller (IAB Weimar, Germany), Prof. Takafumi Noguchi (University of Tokyo, Japan), Maciej Zajac (Global R&D Heidelberg Materials AG Frankfurt, Germany) and Prof. Luc Courard (University of Liège, Belgium). An evening event (Oct. 10) and a field trip (Oct. 12) to a well-equipped stationary recycling plant in Weimar will round out the conference program.

The organizing Institute for Applied Building Research Weimar (IAB) has more than 30 years of experience in the development of new products, technologies and processes in building materials recycling. The institute’s technical equipment includes modern laboratory and experimental facilities, especially for research into the recycling of construction and demolition waste.
The lecture program for experts from Germany and abroad will be offered in German/English. Interested companies from the recycling industry can still apply for a booth in the exhibition area.